Excretion and Water Balance

photo by P Matthews


Topic Outline




Maintenance of water balance is a critical issue for insects and other land living arthropods. They have large surface area to volume ratio and are therefore subject to rapid water loss. Protein metabolism produces nitrogenous waste products which must be eliminated incurring water loss with faeces or urine. Insects have evolved behavioural, morphological and physiological mechanisms to maintain a steady state (homeostasis).

Mechanisms for gaining water:

Mechanisms for eliminating water:


Homeostatic mechanisms




Malpighian Tubules


Left: Diagram of a typical insect excretory system. Arrows indicate direction of fluid (water and ions) movements in various portions of the system. (From Hadley, 1994.) Right: Major types of Malpighian tubule hindgut systems. (a) Orthopteran type. (b) Hemipteran type. (c) Coleopteran type. (d) Lepidopteran type. Arrows indicate directions of movement of substances in and out of the tubule lumen. (Romoser and Stoffolano)

Urine Production

Urine production is a 2 step process:

  1. fluid transferred from haemolymph to Malpighian tubules, driven by active transport of K+
  2. fluid resorbed from the hindgut and rectum, also driven by active transport.
Diagrammatic representation of Malpighian tubule cell showing principal sites and mechanisms for transport of substances from hemolymph to lumen. The large dark circles denote the location of cation pumps involved in active transport. The major driving force for the movement of water and solutes is provided by the common cation pump located in the microvillar apical membrane. From Hadley

Cell types

Rhodnius has two 2 cell types in the Malpighian tubules. Resorption occurs in the proximal region (closest to the gut) leading to the formation of uric acid granules in the Malpighian tubules.

I. Honeycomb border.
Cells with closely packed microvillae (described below). These are the main secretory cells of the tubule and are concentrated in the distal portion of the tubules.
II. Brush border.
Cells with more widely dispersed microvillae (see diagram). Less complex basal invaginations. Mitochondria concentrated basally, suggesting active transport is taking place at the basal surface. concentrated in the proximal portion of the tubules.

Distal (honeycomb): Na and K actively pumped across basal and apical membranes. Water and urate follows across the osmotic gradient. This "primary urine" is isosmotic with the haemolymph.

Proximal (brush): K+ actively pumped into haemolymph, drawing water out and precipitating uric acid granules

Other insects e.g. Carausius have a common cell type along the length of the tubule. Occasionally interspersed specialist cells of unknown function. They may secrete acid mucopolysaccharide.

Diagrammatic representation of primary Malpighian tubule rells from Rhodnius. (A) A cell from the distal region showing welldeveloped brush border with elongate microvilli, (B) A cell from the proximal region showing the irregular filaments of the brush border and the accumulation of mitochondria in the basal region. Arrows indicate direction of secretion. From Hadley, 1994.)

Cell morphology

Apical cell surfaces composed of closely packed microvillae, forming an inner brush border. Mitochondria are abundant beneath and sometimes within the microvillae: i.e. an active (energy requiring) area with increased surface area. Suggests membrane associated active transport. The basal cell membrane is deeply invaginated.


Urine production

Uric acid is the most common excretory product because it is non toxic and can be stored.

Urine production is based upon the active generation of osmotic gradients.


Endocrine regulation

In many insects feeding stimulates urine production through a haemolymph-borne hormonal factor: a diuretic hormone.

Best known example is Rhodnius where a blood meal stimulates urine production in the Malpighian tubules and inhibits water uptake in the rectum. In this insect the water content of the meal is immediately reduced to decrease the gut volume. Produce moist faeces.

Antidiuretic hormones typically enhance fluid resorption in the rectum.

Diagrammatic representation of the movement of inorganic ions and organic molecules into and out from the excretory system of Rhodnius and Carausius (From Chapman).



Rectal absorption

The rectum is a major site of absorption of solutes and water. It is relatively thin walled and lined with a thin, permeable cuticle.

Rectal pad cell of cockroach

Diagrammatic representation of solute and water movements in insect rectal pads during fluid resorption from the rectal lumen. The anatomical organization is shown or the left and the physiological events on the right. Pathways of water movement are indicated by open arrows and solute movements by solid arrows. From Hadley, 1994, adapted Bradley (1985).

Rectal papillae of fly

Diagram of the organisation of the rectal papilla of Calliphora. A. Section through part of a papilla showing the direction of movement of water (thin arrows) and solutes (thick arrows). B. The structure of a single epidermal cell in a papilla. (From Chapman, after Berridge, 1970.)

Cryptonephridial system

Left. (A) Anatomical arrangement of "cryptonephridial complex" in tenebrionid beetle larvae (only one of six Malpighian tubules is shown). (B) Schematic transverse section (dashed line in A) of complex showing epithelial and fluid compartments. From Hadley, 1994, adapted from Machin and O'Donnell (1991). Right. A diagram of the cryptonephridial portion of the excretory system of Tenebrio molitor. The entire cryptonephridial complex is surrounded by the perinephric membrane, which serves to osmotically isolate the Malpighian tubules and rectum from the hemolymph. Pathways of ion transport (principally K+ and Cl) are indicated by solid arrows and the direction of passive water diffusion by open arrows. Various routes by which ions might enter the tubules are discussed in the text. (From Hadley 1994, adapted from Bradley, 1985).



Hadley, N.F. (1994) Water Relations of Terrestrial Arthropods. QL434.72.H33

Chapman, Ch. 18, Excretion and Salt and Water Regulation

Romoser and Stoffolano “The Science of Entomology” pp 118-123 has a good overview of excretion.

End of Module: Excretion and water balance

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