Nervous System & Neural Integration

Part 2: Neurons: how they work, communicate and produce behaviours

At the end of this section you will be able to answer:


brain images

Image: Angelique Paulk


minilecture logo Mini-lecture:

What are neurons?

presented by A. Paulk


Neurons come in many shapes and sizes

You can reconstruct the cells using various programs, and you find the neurons branch in complex ways.

Neurons generally have complex shapes, which likely have a role in their function.


The basic structure of many insect neurons

Insect neurons generally have an input and an output region, with the cell bodies located to the side of the rest of the neuron.

This is called a unipolar cell.

Flow of information: what does that mean?

Neurons use electrical and chemical to communicate


How neurons work

Sodium (Na), potassium (K), cloride (Cl), and calcium (Ca) operate as key players in creating this gradient and in traveling across the membrane.

For more explanation for how neurons create a gradient across the membrane, check out this website!

When, for example, the neuron is excited, it can trigger voltage gated channels , which are ion channels which open or close based on changes in voltage:

Electrical activity in neurons

By recording from inside the cell using sharp electrodes, we can detect changes in electrical activity, which can be represented as spikes, or action potentials.
We can also fill the cells with dye to examine where the cells project in the nervous system (right).

The action potential


The synapse: the connections between cells


Neuromodulators and neurotransmitters

The chemicals used to transmit information from one neuron to the next can be called neurotransmitters and neuromodulators.

A few of the more common chemicals used are shown below:

Neurotransmitter functions

Neuromodulator functions



The synapse: the connections between cells


Timing and placement of synaptic input makes a difference

The synapse


Binding to receptors can trigger second messenger pathways, which can lead to learning and memory. Changing the responsiveness to the different neuromodulators, you can also trigger different behaviours. For example, by blocking octopamine receptors in the cockroach brain using their venom, wasps can paralyze cockroaches and ‘drive’ them using their antennae:

How to make a zombie cockroach, Nature News (2007)

Gal, Ram; Rosenberg, Lior Ann; Libersat, Frederic (2005). "Parasitoid wasp uses a venom cocktail injected into the brain to manipulate the behavior and metabolism of its cockroach prey". Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 60 (4): 198–208. doi:10.1002/arch.20092.


Neurons operate in a massive network

Neurons are interconnected in a massive network, allowing insects to live, perform numerous behaviours, and operate on many different levels.

The ways these networks of neurons operate and connect to one another allows insects to interact with the world around them.



Do you know…?

  • How does the action potential work?
  • What is chemical synaptic transmission?
  • What is a neuromodulator?

beetle iconGo on to part 3: Wiring the eyes and antennae